Reduce Plant Stress
Increase Nutrient Uptake
Improve Soil Health
Lead to Better Yields

ENVIRONOC 401 Beneficial Microorganisms have demonstrated a number of benefits for a variety of plant species. By populating the rhizosphere with known beneficial and capable microorganisms, potential adverse populations may be reduced while at the same time providing the many skills of these added microbes to fulfill the special needs of the plant roots.

Turn your crop residue headache into a profit boost. Introducing Biodyne’s ENVIRONOC 501 Biological Stubble Digester. Our high-concentration blend of over two dozen naturally occurring, non-GMO beneficial microbe strains gets the job done. Say goodbye to wasted investment dollars and tire damage. With ENVIRONOC 501, you’re primed for a more profitable planting season and reduced equipment wear.

Can external inoculation help ?

External inoculation of bacteria in agricultural soils is a transformative technique that can significantly boost crop productivity and soil health. By introducing beneficial bacteria into the soil, farmers can enhance nutrient availability, improve soil structure, and increase water retention, all of which are crucial for plant growth. These bacteria can also help in the natural breakdown of organic matter, releasing essential nutrients back into the soil and reducing dependency on chemical fertilizers. Additionally, certain bacterial strains can protect plants from pathogens and pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. This not only leads to healthier, more resilient crops but also promotes sustainable farming practices by preserving biodiversity and reducing the environmental footprint of agriculture.


Mashallah St., Nawab Pura Canal Rd., Harbanspura, Lahore
0335 421-5155 0423 713-6208
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